Arts and Prehistory exhibition at the Musée de l'Homme

Arts and Prehistory exhibition at the Musée de l'Homme

The Musée de l'Homme offers a must-see exhibition entitled “Arts and Prehistory”, which will take you on a real journey through time. 

This exhibition features over 90 works of prehistoric art from around the world as well as digital representations of paintings and engravings. By combining the digital world and the prehistoric era, the exhibition shows how art is a basic human need. 

The selection of works is designed to highlight the richness and diversity of prehistoric art forms, which have inspired many modern and contemporary artists. Works by Louise Bourgeois, Brassaï or Yves Klein are also exhibited to illustrate the strong link between creations dating from very different eras.

The first part of the exhibition is devoted to furniture art, where you can admire decorative objects and furniture carved and engraved 40,000 years ago. The key objects of the prehistoric era, such as the Venus of Lespugue, the Venus impudique or the plate “of the radiant Aurochs”, are also shown to the public for the first time.

The second part of the exhibition takes you into the cave art of the whole world. A digital reconstruction of numerous works that adorn the rocks of different continents will take you on a journey from the Chinese cliffs to the Indonesian islands, through the caves of Dordogne and the Spanish caves.

Arts and Prehistory” presents a fascinating and inspiring artistic diversity that offers a unique experience of immersion in the evolution of human beings and their forms of communication and creativity. It is an exhibition not to be missed by all art and history lovers.

Until the 22/05/23. Open every day except Tuesday from 11am to 7pm. 

Photo ©Centre des Sciences de Montréal – Flickr 


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