Horse in Majesty at the Palace of Versailles

Horse in Majesty at the Palace of Versailles

After hosting the equestrian events of the Paris Olympic Games, the Palace of Versailles invites you to explore "Horse in Majesty." This exceptional exhibition highlights the horse, a fascinating animal that has left its mark on history.

An Unprecedented Exhibition on the Horse in Majesty - At the Heart of a Civilization presents a selection of around 300 works showcasing the numerous uses of the horse throughout the centuries. You will discover the various roles of the horse, both in the military field and in daily life. The exhibition traces the evolution of mobility from the 16th to the 20th century, up to the end of the horse-drawn era and the rise of equestrian leisure activities.

A Journey Through the Palace of Versailles

The exhibition is divided into thirteen sections, located in the iconic places of the Palace of Versailles. You will traverse the Salle d’Afrique, the King's Grand Apartment, the famous Hall of Mirrors, as well as the apartments of Madame de Maintenon and the Dauphine.

Equestrian Portraits and Festivities

Admire the portraits of the princes' favorite horses, from the collection of Charles XI of Sweden and the Arabian horses of Queen Victoria. Discover the crucial role of horses in European courts and the importance of equestrian festivities, symbols of luxury and prestige.

Anatomical Studies of the Horse

This unique exhibition not only highlights the historical uses of horses by society, but also features a significant section dedicated to the anatomical study of the horse, represented by the earliest drawings of Leonardo da Vinci and Andrea Del Verrocchio.

A Unique Cultural Experience

Visiting "Horse in Majesty" at the Palace of Versailles means immersing yourself in the French baroque atmosphere, discovering the fascinating history of the horse, and reliving the exceptional sporting summer of Paris 2024.

Don't miss this unique exhibition that celebrates the horse and its impact through the centuries!

Until 11/3/2024. Open from 9 AM to 6:30 PM, Tuesday to Sunday.

Photo ©wikicommons

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