La Miocherie: Made in France & European Toys for All Ages

La Miocherie: Made in France & European Toys for All Ages

During your stay at Hôtel Moderniste, don't miss the opportunity to visit La Miocherie. Nestled in the 15th arrondissement, along the charming Square Adolphe Chérioux and just steps away from the Vaugirard metro station, this independent boutique is a true treasure trove for both little and big kids.

A Unique Selection of Made in France and European Toys

La Miocherie stands out for its original and affordable selection of toys, primarily made in France and Europe. Whether you are looking for a birth gift, first-age toys, family board games, or even creative hobbies, you will find what you need. The second-hand section, stocked by parents and children from the neighborhood, also offers second-hand games, toys, and books, promoting a more responsible consumption.

A Boutique at the Heart of the Neighborhood Life

Opened in October 2021, La Miocherie was born out of a desire to offer quality, beautiful, and well-made toys, far from deceptive marketing. Each product is carefully selected and tested, ensuring an authentic and enriching experience for children and their parents.

Authentic and Committed Products

Among the treasures of La Miocherie, you will discover wooden toys from Jura, bath toy boats from Maison Tirot, cuddly toys and plushes made in Brittany, and unique handmade dolls. The creative hobbies offered are safe and perfectly suited for children, ensuring moments of play and learning in complete safety.

A Unique Customer Experience

If you are a guest at Hôtel Moderniste or a visitor passing through the 15th arrondissement of Paris, you will appreciate the warm welcome and expert advice from Capucine and her team. La Miocherie guarantees not only quality products but also a pleasant and personalized shopping experience.

During your next visit to Paris, make sure to visit La Miocherie: it's the perfect place to find a gift for your loved ones that truly comes from the country you are visiting!

Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM and from 3:00 PM to 7:30 PM. A 12-minute walk from Hôtel Moderniste.

Photo ©Aurélie Lenoir

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