
"Waste Age" an immersive exhibition not to be missed

Building on the success of its exhibitions "Climate Emergency" and "City of Tomorrow," the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie continues its exploration of environmental issues with this groundbreaking exhibition.

"Waste Age" invites visitors to engage in a deep reflection on our consumption patterns and the resulting carbon footprint.

Guided through the exhibition, visitors discover concrete solutions for reducing their daily waste in food, clothing, and lifestyle habits.

The exhibition also highlights designers and companies innovating in the field of upcycling and recycling, demonstrating the creative and economic potential of waste.

An educational and immersive journey

You can explore the "Precious Waste" exhibition through three distinct sections, each exploring an aspect of the waste issue:

  • Waste Peak: This section analyzes the growing overconsumption and planned obsolescence that fuel waste production, illustrating the scale of the problem through data and concrete objects.

  • Waste Potential: The second part showcases the unsuspected potential of waste, presenting inspiring initiatives such as the Adidas X Parley range and Stella McCartney's creations, which transform disposable materials into valuable products.

  • Waste End: The last section explores promising avenues towards a zero-waste future, such as soluble polymers, bio-based materials, and buildings designed for deconstruction.

Concrete solutions for a sustainable future

"Precious Waste" goes beyond raising public awareness; the exhibition also offers concrete solutions for adopting a more responsible lifestyle.

Visitors discover practical tips for reducing their daily waste, draw inspiration from the innovations presented, and commit to rethinking their relationship with everyday objects.

A must-see exhibition

"Precious Waste" is a captivating and informative exhibition that appeals to all audiences.

It is a unique opportunity to learn about the environmental issues related to waste, discover innovative solutions, and commit to a more sustainable future.

Until September 1, 2024. Open daily from 10 am to 6 pm.

Photo ©Jas Min - Unsplash

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