Arti: A Culinary Journey to India in the Heart of Paris

Arti: A Culinary Journey to India in the Heart of Paris

Located in the charming Saint-Lambert neighborhood on Rue Lecourbe, just steps away from Hôtel Moderniste, Arti is a true reference for Indian cuisine enthusiasts. Its strategic location makes it an essential stop for tourists and local residents, offering a unique and exotic culinary experience.

A Family History

Managed by the Sachdeva family for over thirty years, Arti welcomes you as if you were a member of their own family. The atmosphere is friendly and warm, perfect for discovering the delights of Indian cuisine. The passion and expertise passed down from generation to generation are evident in every dish.

An Authentic and Generous Menu

On the menu, you will find all the beloved classics of Indian cuisine: tandoori chicken and lamb, fragrant biryanis, fluffy naans, butter chicken, and of course, a variety of chicken and lamb curries, all served generously.

Delicious Specialties

Directly from the charcoal-heated oven, you can savor marinated prawns, a delicious spiced lamb shank, and much more. Each dish is accompanied by tasty sides such as curry carrots, daal (exquisite stewed lentils), or deliciously prepared spinach.

An Authentic Experience

The atmosphere at Arti is authentic and warm, faithfully reflecting Indian hospitality. The service is attentive, always catering to your needs and ready to advise you to make your meal a truly gastronomic experience.

Don't miss the opportunity to visit this little piece of India in the heart of Paris. Arti promises an exceptional and unforgettable culinary journey. Feel free to contact the reception at Hôtel Moderniste for more information!

Open from Tuesday to Sunday, for lunch and dinner. A 13-minute walk from Hôtel Moderniste

Photo ©Ratul Gosh - Unsplash

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+33 1 45 32 50 60
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