Café Maraîcher: neighborhood bistro in the 15th arrondissement of Paris

Café Maraîcher: neighborhood bistro in the 15th arrondissement of Paris

Located near the Moderniste Hotel, Café Maraîcher is the perfect place to discover authentic and delicious French cuisine in a friendly atmosphere.

A Warm and Welcoming Atmosphere

At Café Maraîcher, you'll be greeted by a smiling and efficient service. The restaurant's atmosphere is warm, with decor that blends tradition and modernity, creating a perfect setting for an enjoyable meal. Whether you're with family, friends, or on a business trip, you'll immediately feel at home in this friendly brasserie.

Delicious and Varied Cuisine

Café Maraîcher offers simple, delicious, and varied cuisine! Among the must-try dishes is the risotto of coquillettes with truffled ham and Comté cheese, a true delight for your taste buds. The restaurant also offers a selection of French traditional starters, such as Burgundy snails with parsley butter, onion soup, and other perfect options to start your meal.

For salad lovers, Café Maraîcher offers various tasty options like crispy chicken Caesar salad or the freshness of the vegan salad. The main courses are equally enticing, with options like the beautiful entrecote steak with blue cheese sauce and gratin dauphinois, or the crunchy tuna tataki with light wasabi mayonnaise.

Recommended by all the visitors 

Café Maraîcher is one of the many hidden gems in the 15th arrondissement of Paris. With enthusiastic reviews highlighting the speed of service, the friendliness of the staff, and the delicacy of the dishes, this bistro comes highly recommended by all who discover it. Whether you're a local resident or a passing visitor, a visit to Café Maraîcher is a culinary experience not to be missed.

And if you're staying at the Hotel Moderniste, you can enjoy high-quality cuisine within minutes of walking, without having to stray far from your accommodation. It's an ideal option for hotel guests, whether for a quick lunch or a relaxing dinner after a day of exploring Paris.

Come discover this friendly restaurant and don't forget to share your experience with us!

Bon appétit!

Open every day for lunch and dinner. A 7-minute walk from the Hotel Moderniste

Photo ©Stefan Johnson - Unsplash

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