City Guide

City Guide

Paris 1874 impressionism, the new exhibit at the Orsay Museum

Paris 1874 impressionism, the new exhibit at the Orsay Museum

Dive into the fascinating history of Impressionism with the exhibition "Paris 1874: Inventing Impressionism" taking place at the Musée d'Orsay. Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the first Impressionist exhibition, this unique event showcases an exceptional collection of 130 works, offering a fresh perspective on this important artistic movement

Photo ©art institute of Chicago - Unsplash

Discovering Tutankhamon at the Galeries Montparnasse !

Discovering Tutankhamon at the Galeries Montparnasse !

We have previously mentioned an immersive exhibition dedicated to Ancient Egypt at the Atelier des Lumières. Paris surprises us once again with another experience featuring Egypt, this time in the form of an expedition at the Galeries Montparnasse!

Photo ©Robert Thiemann - Unsplash

At the Court of Prince Genji exhibition at Guimet Museum

At the Court of Prince Genji exhibition at Guimet Museum

For this month of March, on the occasion of International Women's Day, we recommend visiting the new exhibition at the Guimet Museum. "At the Court of Prince Genji" highlights the Japanese poet Murasaki Shikibu and her novel "The Tale of Genji," which has inspired centuries of iconography.

Photo ©Library Of Congress - Unsplash

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