City Guide

City Guide

January is the month of the Galette des Rois !

January is the month of the Galette des Rois !

January 6 is the day of the Epiphany, and celebrates the appearance of the Three Wise Men with the newborn Jesus. 
But for the greediest, January 6th is especially the day that announces the month of the Galette des Rois ! The traditional brioche pastry filled with frangipane hides a small bean that crowns the luckiest King or Queen of the day! 

Photo ©Jackmac34 - Pixabay

A good artisanal Panettone to celebrate Christmas !

A good artisanal Panettone to celebrate Christmas !

As you know, Paris is a melting pot of cultures. In the City of Light, you can travel all over the world just by strolling through the different neighborhoods. 
And why not take advantage of this richness to taste the Christmas specialties?

Photo ©blackieshoot - Unsplash

The Christmas masses in Paris

The Christmas masses in Paris

Christmas means family, love, gifts and the traditional celebration of midnight mass. If you are in Paris to enjoy the magical atmosphere of the holidays, and you wish to attend the Christmas mass, all you have to do is choose your favorite church or the church closest to your home to celebrate Christmas with your family. 

Photo ©Daniel Velasquez - Unsplash 

The best Paris Chistmas Market 2022

The best Paris Chistmas Market 2022

You are in Paris during the Christmas period, and you don't have any ideas to buy gifts for your relatives? Don't panic! The City of Light offers numerous Christmas markets where you will find your happiness! 

Photo © - Unsplash 

What to do for Christmas in Paris !

What to do for Christmas in Paris !

As every year in the Christmas period, Paris surprises us with its magnificent decorations. Classic, contemporary, zany… There is something for everyone! 
Christmas trees of all sizes, animated shop windows and illuminations in the streets, will make you breathe the magic of Christmas everywhere in the City of Light! 
We've put together a list of must-see Christmas spots for you so you can plan your visit to Paris! 

Photo ©Anthony Delanoix - Unsplash

4 ideas of free museums located near the monuments of Paris!

4 ideas of free museums located near the monuments of Paris!

Looking for ideas for cultural activities to do while visiting the monuments of Paris? The City of Light offers many possibilities! Today, we have selected for you 4 museums that are free every day, all year long, located next to the most important monuments! 

Photo ©Joshua Niyogakiza - Unsplash

Paris dresses in pink for the  - Octobre Rose -  !

Paris dresses in pink for the "Octobre Rose" !

Like every year, the month of October Paris dresses in pink! 
This period of the year is dedicated to raising awareness about the fight against breast cancer, and for the occasion the City of Light hosts several operations to unite Parisians in this essential fight. 

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