City Guide

City Guide

Oskar Kokoshcka at the Museum of Modern Art of Paris

Oskar Kokoshcka at the Museum of Modern Art of Paris

The Museum of Modern Art presents a retrospective of the work of Oskar Kokoschka, an Austrian painter, writer, playwright and poet, who succeeded in representing the moods of his time with unparalleled intensity. 

Photo ©Jean-Pierre Dalbéra - Flickr 

Paris Fashion Week 2023

Paris Fashion Week 2023

Paris, the City of Light, the city of love, but also the capital of fashion. After the week dedicated to Women's Ready-to-Wear Fashion that took place last September, it's time for the week dedicated to Men's Fashion from January 17 to 22 and to Haute Couture from January 23 to 26! Fashion shows presenting the new trends will animate all Paris, a sparkling moment for all fashion lovers!

Photo ©Zahir Namane - Unsplash

January is the month of the Galette des Rois !

January is the month of the Galette des Rois !

January 6 is the day of the Epiphany, and celebrates the appearance of the Three Wise Men with the newborn Jesus. 
But for the greediest, January 6th is especially the day that announces the month of the Galette des Rois ! The traditional brioche pastry filled with frangipane hides a small bean that crowns the luckiest King or Queen of the day! 

Photo ©Jackmac34 - Pixabay

A good artisanal Panettone to celebrate Christmas !

A good artisanal Panettone to celebrate Christmas !

As you know, Paris is a melting pot of cultures. In the City of Light, you can travel all over the world just by strolling through the different neighborhoods. 
And why not take advantage of this richness to taste the Christmas specialties?

Photo ©blackieshoot - Unsplash

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